亚琛大教堂,又称“艾克斯拉教堂”,是位于德国西部亚琛的一座教堂。这座教堂是北欧最古老的教堂,建于8世纪。这座教堂有着历史悠久的历史,是30位德国国王和12位女王的主席。从这段历史中,我们想要展示的是,在互动先锋和他们的作品中,团队在制作一个独一无二的虚拟3D飞行的过程中做出了令人惊叹的工作,这是亚森大教堂的惊人之处。为了体验这次飞行,你将会通过一个响应性的网站,将你带到大教堂的不同区域。是时候坐下来享受这段旅程了。在这里开始你的3D体验。掌声是艺术家们所熟知的,但奖项只是创意的蛋糕。我们特别自豪的是我们颁发的红点奖:2016年的通信设计已经被公认为高设计质量。观看制作的视频“看,体验,学习”是Aachen大教堂篇章整体传播策略的基础,构成了内容结构的主干和网站的设计理念。它体现在“Dom经历”、“Dom Story”和“domd -date”三个领域,既提供了一种视觉上的情感,也为第一个德国教科文组织世界遗产网站的用户提供了一种信息认知的方法。3 d虚拟现实UI / UX

The Aachen Cathedral, also known as Cathedral of Aix-la-Chapelle is a church located in Aachen, western Germany. Being the oldest cathedral in northern Europe, this church has been built in the 8th century. With all that historic past, this church has been the chair of thirty German kings and twelve queens.Coming from all that history , we would like to present the awarding stunning work from the team over at Interactive Pio
neers and their work at making a unique virtual 3D flight that is totally breathtaking of the Aachen Cathedral. To experience this flight, you'll be taking through a respo
nsive site that will take you to the different sections of the Cathedral. Time to sit back and enjoy this ride.Start your 3D experience here.Applause is known to the bread of the artist, but awards are just the cake the creative. We are particularly proud that our performance by awarding the Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2016 has been recognized for high design quality.Watch the Making Video The triad "See, experience and learning" underlies the overall communication strategy of the Aachen Cathedral Chapter, forms the backbone for the co
ntent structure and the design co
ncept of the website. It is reflected in the three areas of " Dom experience ", " Dom Story " and " Dom-date ", which both provide a visual-emotio
nal as well as an informative-cognitive approach for the first German UNESCO World Heritage Site the User.More information: https://www.interactive-pioneers.de. 3d virtual reality UI/UX