我们想分享Oleg Soroko的作品和他的系列作品:木星3D板。奥列格是俄罗斯联邦莫斯科的一名建筑师。他还拥有一名设计师和一名CG艺术家的技能,利用他的技能作为副业。奥列格的自然环境和对未来的梦想都很流利。这个系列的一些东西使它非常独特,它不仅仅是一个CGI艺术作品,它实际上是一块厚厚的胶合板,他在那里手工添加了彩色塑料。给人印象深刻,希望你喜欢!用手工添加的彩色塑料多层胶合板制成的三维墙pannels。经4轴数控机床加工后的胶合板结构。基于单纯形四维噪声的分形噪声畸变模型。这些面板是用于内部使用的。数字艺术cgi 3 d

We would like to share the work of Oleg Soroko and his series entitled: Jupiter 3D Panels. Oleg is an architect ba
sed in Moscow, Russian Federation. He has also skills a designer and also a CG Artist, using his skills as a sideline.Oleg is fluently influenced by his natural surrounding and dreaming a
bout the future. There’s something a
bout this series that makes it very unique and it’s not o
nly a CGI artwork, it’s actually pieces of thick plywood sheets wher
e he added manually layers of colored plastic. Quite impressive, hope you like it!3D wall pannels made of thick sheets of plywood with manually added layers of colored plastic.After the preparation of plywood pattern cuting by 4 axle CNC machine. Pattern ba
sed on Simplex 4D noise distorted by fractal noise. These panels are intended for use in the interiors. More information via Behance. digital art cgi 3d