我们只是想提醒你,下面这篇文章可能非常“甜蜜”,你可能会受到诱惑而吃零食。我们只是想先警告你!我们来谈谈我们每天都遇到的广告吧。根据哥伦比亚广播公司的新闻,我们每天平均有5000个广告。这是一个巨大的数字,当我们都知道一天只有24小时。关于汽车、事件、运动等的广告;我们会看到很多关于食物的广告。它们会引诱你仅仅满足你的食欲。让我们仔细看看Andre Caputo的作品,他是一个在巴西圣保罗的CGI艺术家和图形设计师。我喜欢他的作品,它看起来像一张照片,尽管我们知道它不是真实的。插图数字艺术cgi 3d。

We just wanna warn you that the following article might be very "sweet" and you might get temptations at getting a snack. We just wanna warn you first! :) Let's talk a
bout the ads that we are all encountered every single day. According to CBS News, we are exposed to an average to 5000 ads per day. This is an enormous number when we all know that there are o
nly 24 hours in a day. Among ads a
bout cars, events, campaigns and others; we'll see a lot of advertising a
bout food. They triggered temptations to simply fulfill your desire to eat.Let's take a closer look at the work of Andre Caputo, he is a CGI artist and graphic designer ba
sed in São Paulo, Brazil. What I love a
bout his work is how close it looks like a photograph, even though we know in the back of our mind that it's not real. Beautifully done!Here I gather: passion for working with image creation; creativity; disposition to search for new techniques and innovation; esthetic sense and seek for the best quality; eagerness for a great relatio
nship with clients; and discipline, that allows the projects to be delivered on time. More information: https://ac.myportfolio.com. illustration digital art cgi 3d