在把我的作品放进UX/UI之前,我(仍然)是一个与3D混合的排版的狂热爱好者。通过不同的技巧和你如何通过单词/引语来表达你自己,选择你想表达的方式。今天,我看着那些仍然在这些领域工作的人,问我自己什么时候我会做一些排版,把我的手变成3D。时间会告诉我们。现在,让我们来看看Zigor Samaniego的惊人作品。Zigor Samaniego是一名自由的图形和3D插画家,位于西班牙的Vitoria-Gasteiz。专注于平面设计、3D、书法、刻字;Zigor曾与美国运通(American Express)、大众(Volkswagen)等品牌合作过。

Way before digging my work into UX/UI, I was (and still) a big fan of Typography mixed with 3D. By the different techniques and how you can express yourself through words/quotes and choose how you wanna express it. Today, I look up to those who still work into these fields and asking myself when I'll do some typography and getting my hands into 3D. Time will tell. For now, let's look at the stunning work of Zigor Samaniego. a
bout Zigor SamaniegoZigor is a freelance graphic & 3D illustrator ba
sed in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Focusing his work in graphic design, 3D, calligraphy and lettering; Zigor has worked with brands like American Express, Volkswagen and more.For more information: http://www.zigorsamaniego.net Typography 3d digital art