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2018-05-14 1931 0
最近一次为2016年里约热内卢奥林匹克运动会赞助的活动采用了一种基于心脏的创造性的执行。Visa创造了5颗心,源自“奥运之心永远在”的理念。除了奥运会的心脏,它还用其他的心脏来象征奥运会的不同支柱——里约热内卢的心脏,奥运会的心脏,球迷的心脏。每一颗心都被想象成一个独立的世界,由独特的组成部分组成一个围绕每个主题的故事。创意概念是由艺术总监兼设计师Gordon Reid和设计总监Bruno Di Lucca共同开发的,然后在制作过程3D中制作了心脏——这个过程首先拍摄单个元素,3D建模所有元素,然后融合并制作成3D心脏。这些印刷图像将在欧洲各地的各种渠道上发布,包括广告牌、海报、印刷品和在线横幅,以支持他们的英雄电影。参与竞选活动的中博普(Middle Boop)的戈登•里德(Gordon Reid)表示:“我们用一种内心的比喻来表明,奥运会和签证总是“像心脏一样”。每一件艺术品都以不同的方式展示了这一点;所以我们有运动员的心脏,里约热内卢的心脏,风扇的心脏和主要的视觉,奥林匹克的心脏。该活动历时4个月,总共拍摄了5张图片,这些照片是用3D渲染的照片制作而成的。关于Gordon ReidGordon aka中Boop是一个插画家和设计师目前在伦敦,联合王国专注于他的工作在品牌,网页设计,编辑插画和大规模广告。多年来,戈登已经建立了一个客户名单,包括BBC、红牛、星巴克、美国运通等。

The latest campaign for Visa’s Sponsorship of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games employs a creative execution based around a Heart. Visa created 5 Hearts, borne from the idea that 'The Heart of the Olympics is Always On'. Alongside the Heart of the Olympics, it uses other Hearts to symbolise different pillars of the Olympic Games - The Heart of Rio, The Heart of an Olympian, The Heart of the Fans. Each Heart is imagined as an individual world, made up of unique components that form a story around each theme. The creative concepts were developed by the Art Director and designer Gordon Reid and Head of Design Bruno Di Lucca, then the Hearts were crafted in the production process 3D – a process that involved first photographing individual elements, 3D modelling all elements, then merging and crafting into 3D Hearts. The print images will launch across Europe on all channels including billboards, posters, print, and online banners, in support of their hero film.Video Gordon Reid of Middle Boop who worked on the campaign says: “We used a metaphor of a heart to show that the Olympics and Visa are always ‘on' like a heart. Each piece of the artwork demonstrates this in a different way; so we have the Heart of the Athlete, the heart of Rio, the Heart of the Fan and the main key visual, the Heart of the Olympics. The campaign, which took around four months to deliver, comprises five images in total, which were created using a mixture of 3D rendered photography." about Gordon ReidGordon aka Middle Boop is an illustrator and designer currently based in London, United Kingdom that focuses his work in branding, web design, editorial illustration and large scale advertising. Over the years, Gordon has built a client list including BBC, Red Bull, Starbucks, American Express and more.For more information: http://middleboop.com rio2016 olympics middle boop 3d