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2018-05-14 4193 0
昨天我读完了塞思·戈丁写的《伊卡洛斯骗局》。这本书最酷的地方在于,赛斯阐述了艺术在当今时代的重要性。旧的模式不再有效,如果你想成功,你必须是独一无二的。读完这本书,我注意到我的观点已经发生了变化,就好像我对独特的项目有了新的认识,特别是那些混合了数字和类似于OVDI项目的东西,我想在这篇文章中与你们分享。OVID是一个三维的交互式投影地图雕塑。由MIDI控制器控制,用户可以改变雕塑ovdi的视觉外观,这是一个由德国科隆学生Lukas Bruggen设计的项目。

Yesterday I finished reading The Icarus Deception, a book written by Seth Godin. The cool thing about this book is that Seth illustrates the importance of artistry in this day and age. How the old model doesn’t work anymore and if you want to succeed you have to be unique. After reading the book I noticed that my view had already changed, it’s like I have a new appreciation for unique projects, especially those mixing digital and analog like the OVDI project I want to share with you on this post.OVID is a three-dimensional, interactive projection mapping sculpture. Controlled by a MIDI controller, the user can change the visual appearance of the sculptureOVDI is a project created by Lukas Brüggen, a student from Cologne, Germany. For more information check out http://www.luk1.com 3d analog scuplture