一个成功的科幻故事最重要的要素之一就是它的生物。一个精心设计的生物将会是一部电影的核心和灵魂,看到有创意的艺术家在那里表演令人敬畏的野兽和怪物,就像美国设计师多米尼克·奎克(Dominic Qwek)所做的那样,真是太棒了。在这里你可以看到多米尼克的一些生物。

One of the most im
portant ingredients of a successful sci-fi story is its creatures. A well designed creature will many times be the heart and soul of a movie and it's awesome to see creative artists out there doing awesome beasts and monsters, like these done by American designer Dominic Qwek.Here you can see some of Dominic's creatures. For more of it, please visit his portfolio at CG Society! I hope you enjoy these. Cheers. ;)Cthulhu SculptureStriker SculptureRakshasa BustHopper BustHuggerAlien PodKaiju LarvaCthulhu TutorialDomorianJawesome computer graphics 3d creature design