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2018-05-29 1554 0
我相信我们所有人,设计师,热爱印刷,比选择正确的字体更重要的是理解和使用布局和字体,这是解决问题最好的方式。那些把字体和有趣的想法混在一起的人,他们想出了一些非常原始的结果,比如SerialCut上的那些人。系列切割是马德里的工作室,由Sergio del Puerto于1999年创立,致力于广泛的全球项目,但主要关注艺术方向。看看一些非常酷的项目,它们使用的类型非常有趣。图像和类型是一个很好的组合,我们喜欢在所有我们工作的项目上使用。印刷术在最终产品中扮演着重要的角色。灵感来自于现在和过去的几十年,但我们总是回顾和更新它,用实际的眼光把它带入今天的视角。艺术指导设计图形设计灵感马德里西班牙字体。

I believe we all, designers, love typography, it's much more than choosing the right typeface it's all about understanding and playing with the layout and fonts in order to solve a communication problem the best way possible. There is also those who mix typefaces and funny ideas to come up with very original results such as the guys over at SerialCut.Serial Cut is a Madrid based studio, established in 1999 by Sergio del Puerto, working on a wide variety of worldwide projects, but focussing mainly on Art Direction.Check out some really cool projects with very interesting usage of types.Image and type are a great combination that we like to use on all the projects we work on. Typography plays an important role in the end product.Inspiration comes from current and past decades, but we always review it and renew it, bringing it into today's perspective with an actual look.For more information about SerialCut visit their Web site at http://www.serialcut.com/ art direction design graphic design inspiration Madrid Spain Typography