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2018-05-29 1546 0
概念车有一种独特的方式让我们梦想未来。这正是Astrum Meera所做的:将你带入一个技术和设计走了很长的路并且找到了完美平衡的世界。Astrum Meera是一款概念车,拥有几个独特的特点,在安全、可持续性和实际设计中发挥独特的作用。汽车的排气装置内置传感器,可以跟踪二氧化碳的排放水平,并在驾驶员超出正常范围时提醒司机。轮辋通过磁悬浮工作,就像火车车轮一样,使汽车更轻更快。当引擎启动时,侧视镜在停车时被隐藏起来,然后滚出车身。这些镜子有一个内置的摄像头系统,可以让司机从车内清楚地看到外面的情况,而不需要在雨中打开窗户或者把头转过来。汽车概念设计

Concept cars have an unique way to make us dream of the future. That's exactly what the Astrum Meera does: puts you in a world where technology and design walked a long path and found perfect balance.The Astrum Meera is a proposed concept car possessing several distinctive features that play a unique role in safety, sustainability, and practical design. The exhaust of the car has built-in sensors that track the level of CO2 emmisions and alert the driver when it exceeds the normal range. The wheel rims work through magnetic levitation, like train wheels, making the car lighter and faster. The side mirrors are hidden when parked and roll out of the body once the engine starts. The mirrors have a built-in camera system that allows the driver to clearly see outside from inside the vehicle without opening windows in the rain or turning your head around.Car Design and Sketches: John Baltazar - http://www.baltazar.tk3D and Visualization: Hussain & Ali Almossawi - http://www.skyrill.comID Presentation Sketch by Tim Tsai - http://www.changtingtsai.com/This is the whole process from start to finish, showing a few highlights from each phase.SketchesConceptLogoPlansClay Renderings3D RendersDetailsThe wheel rims work through magnetic levitation, like train wheels, making the car lighter and faster.The exhaust of the car has built-in sensors that track the level of CO2 emmisions and alert the driver when it exceeds the normal range.The mirrors have a built-in camera system that allows the driver to clearly see outside from inside the vehicle without opening windows in the rain or turning your head around.This is an animation showing how the side mirrors work.Matt PaintInteriorFinal RendersBackgrounds are courtesy of Evermotion. car conceptual design