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2018-05-29 1868 8
约翰·哈特菲尔德(1891-1968)是照片处理领域的先驱。他出生在赫尔穆特·赫茨菲尔德(Helmut Herzfeld),他改变了自己的名字,以抗议德国在两次世界大战之间的反英语情绪。Heartfield是最早使用photomontage的艺术家之一,巧妙地利用照片来讽刺纳粹政权的残暴。这是在Photoshop之前的几十年,所以他手工制作,他的作品更加令人印象深刻。他最著名的作品是“万岁!”黄油都没了!,一个家庭试图吃掉各种金属物品,谴责战争是如何将食物从人民手中夺走的。他的作品是Photoshop的一个例子,并继续激励人们抵制压迫和暴力。作者David Delony是美国俄勒冈州阿什兰的自由撰稿人。复古灵感设计照片操控设计历史。

John Heartfield (1891-1968) was a pioneer in photo manipulation. Born Helmut Herzfeld, he changed his name as a protest against anti-English sentiment in Germany between the World Wars. Heartfield was one of the first artists to use photomontage, skillfully manipulating photographs to vicously satirize the brutality of the Nazi regime. This was decades before Photoshop, so he did them all by hand, making his artwork all the more impressive. His best known work is "Hurrah! The Butter is all gone!", showing a family attempting to eat various metal items, decrying how war takes food away from the people.His artwork stands as an example of Photoshopping before Photoshop, and continues to inspire people to resist oppression and violence.For more information about John Heartfield visit http://www.towson.edu/heartfield/artarchive.htmlSome Worksabout the Author David Delony is a freelance writer based in Ashland, Oregon, USA. He blogs at Reading In Public (http://ddelony.posterous.com) and tweets at (http://twitter.com/ddelony). retro inspiration design photo manipulation design history