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2018-05-29 1541 0
几个星期前,我的兄弟Eduardo Sasso向我展示了他的一个想法,他有一个web服务,对于那些经常旅行的人来说是完美的,或者只是想在他们离开自己的地方的时候跟踪他们的冒险。我喜欢这个概念,我和Gisele Muller和Fabiano Meneghetti一起加入他,让这个应用变得真实。我和我的兄弟和Gisele谈了整个想法的创造者,他们给了我一些关于他们如何看待服务、目标和理念的见解。我的角色将被设计出来。我做的第一件事是列出一些关键字:指南针、地图和方向图。我收集了相当多的图片,在我的脑海里已经有了一些想法。第一个概念:字母和箭头。我探索的第一个概念是在字体中使用箭头。类似于联邦快递的概念,但使用A和y。在草图之后,我去电脑,试图想出一些基于这些想法的东西。事实证明,这不是一个非常可靠的概念,很难将它应用到字母中,特别是因为a和Y必须以某种方式对齐,以便使箭头可见。而且我认为它没有个性和独特性。在我看来,“Mentaway”标识必须是带有符号的东西。第二个概念:计划b的指南针和方向标志时间,我检查了我选择的图像,并决定探索指南针元素。我也喜欢这些方向标志的想法,这是服务的全部内容。然后回到一些草图。我想用指南针,但不是完全相同,所以我只创建了一个3点的罗盘。在那之后,我注意到玩负空间,我可以使那个符号看起来像一个方向标志。这就是这个符号的含义。随着符号的完成,是时候选择字体和颜色了。在我看来,一个好的标志是一个可以很容易识别的颜色,或者是背面和白色。下面你可以看到白色背景下的黑色logo,反之亦然。颜色的目的是让它变得超级友好,也有一点色彩,比如当你旅行时,你会得到一张地铁或火车的地图,他们总是有不同颜色的路线。考虑到这一点,我们选择了三种颜色,分别是蓝色、黄色和红色,但颜色较不饱和。字体总是需要花费大量的时间来寻找和测试。下面你可以看到一些我测试过的字体。我还在做logo的工作,特别是调整比例和尺寸,最好的方法是使用网格进行光学调整。但是,当我们需要尽快释放水花的时候,我完成了最终的概念,有两个变化,垂直和水平。

A few weeks ago my brother Eduardo Sasso showed me an idea he had for a web service that would be perfect for those who travel a lot or simply want to keep track of their adventures when they are away from their places. I loved the concept and I joined him along side with Gisele Muller and Fabiano Meneghetti to make that app become real. The name was already chosen, Mentaway.Talking to my brother and Gisele, the creators of the whole idea, they gave me some insights on how they see the service, the goals and philosophy behind it. My role would be come up with the design. The first thing I did was list some keywords:TravelingMapRouteCompassDirectionAwayPinpointI started looking for compass, map and direction images. I collected quite a few images and got some ideas already in my mind.First concept: Lettering and Arrow.The first concept I explored was using an arrow in the lettering. Similar to the Fedex concept but using the A and the Y. After sketching I went to the computer and tried to come up with something based on those ideas. It turned out that it wasn’t a very solid concept, it was hard to apply it in the lettering especially because the A and Y would have to be aligned in a way in order to make the arrow visible. Plus I thought it didn’t have personality and uniqueness. The Mentaway logo had to be something with a symbol in my point of view.Second concept: Compass and direction signTime for the plan b, I checked the images I had selected and decided to explore the compass element. I also liked the idea of those direction signs, it is pretty much what the service is all about. Then back to some more sketching.... I know I sucked at that.I wanted to use the compass but not exactly the same representation, so I created a 3 point compass only. After that I noticed that playing with negative spaces I could make that symbol looks like a direction sign as well.So here is what the symbol is all about.With the symbol pretty much done it was time to choose the typeface and colors. In my point of view a good logo is that one that can be very recognizable in either color or back and white. Below you can see the logo in black over white background and vice-versa.For the colors the goal was to make it super friendly and also a bit colorful, like when you travel and you get a map of the subway or train they always have the different colors for the routes. With that in mind we chose 3 colors for the 3 main directions, Blue, Yellow and Red, but less saturated hues.The typeface is always something that always takes a lot of time looking for and testing. Below you can see some of the fonts I tested. The final concept.I am still working on the logo, especially adjusting the proportion and sizes, the best way to do that is by optical adjustments using a grid. But as we needed to release the splash as soon as possible I completed the final concept with two variations, vertical and horizontal. For more information about Mentaway visit http://mentaway.com case study design logo logo design tutorial