Logo设计系列已经上线运行!我们正在考虑,我们希望找到新的方法来分类这些清单。今天,一切都是关于食物和饮料……这里有一些很酷的东西。像往常一样,我们会在这些画廊里寻找标识:Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logo, Logo Mix和Wolda。我们希望你们都喜欢我们的选择!标志设计灵感设计。

The Logo Design series is up and running! We're thinking ahead and we want to find new ways to sort these listings. Today, it's all a
bout food and drinks... and there's some pretty cool stuff here.As usual, we'll search for logos in these galleries: Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logos, The Logo Mix and Wolda. We hope you all enjoy our selection! Cheers. ;)PS.: Got cool ideas for sorting? Tell us! ;) logo design inspiration design