不久前,我们开始了一系列关于logo设计的文章。我们的目标是尽可能多地覆盖我们的标识,直到年底……我们从标志开始,从A开始,今天都是关于T的。我们已经看到了一些伟大的标志,我们希望你们和我们一起在这次设计之旅。我们将一直在这些画廊中寻找标识:Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logo, Logo Mix和Wolda。我们很高兴收到你的来信。我们希望你们都喜欢我们的T商标。设计灵感标志设计。

Some time ago we began a series of posts on logo design. Our goal? To cover as many logos as we can until the end of the year... we started with logos starting with A, today is all a
bout T's. We've been seeing some great logos, and we wish to have you guys along with us on this design journey.We'll always be searching for logos in these galleries: Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logos, The Logo Mix and Wolda. If you know any more galleries or logos, or even if you own one and wanna be listed here as a source for our series, please dro
p us a l
ink! We'd love to hear from you. We hope you all enjoy our selection of T logos! Cheers. ;) design inspiration logo logo design