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由Dan Clifton设计的Fitbit Charge 2

2018-05-28 1451 0
我们想分享这个美丽的产品设计:Fitbit Charge 2,我们将在Abduzeedo上进行回顾,很快就会上线。现在,让我们仔细看看丹·克利夫顿的作品和他设计的Fitbit  Charge 2。我想说的是,这个产品看起来很漂亮,穿起来很舒服。这是一款相当不错的产品,希望你也能喜欢。Dan Clifton是美国旧金山的一位杰出的工业设计师。Dan已经和《财富》100强公司合作,设计了我们每天都在使用的产品。我个人使用Fitbit充电2,它是一款很漂亮的产品,能让你从所有的细节中感受到。产品设计工业设计。

We would like to share this beautiful product design called: Fitbit Charge 2 that we’ll be reviewing on Abduzeedo and that will be online soon. For now, let’s take a closer look at the work of Dan Clifton and his design for the Fitbit Charge 2. I would like to mention that this product is gorgeous by its looks and it’s quite comfortable to wear. From the little dots from the bracelet and how easy it is to change your band. It’s quite a product and hope you will enjoy it too.Dan Clifton  is a tremendous talented industrial designer based in San Francisco, USA. Dan has worked with the Fortune 100 companies and designed products that we interact and all use every day. I personally use the Fitbit Charge 2 and it's a beautiful product that makes you feel that you're in the future, from all the little details.  product design industrial design design