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2018-05-28 1497 0
我想我之前提到过,但我是耐克品牌的超级粉丝。我只是喜欢他们用他们的产品和材料做实验。同时也很高兴看到设计师们也沿着这条路走下去。让我们来看看Joseph Cooper关于耐克高级训练夹克的概念。这个概念的特别之处在于使用电池(充电)和传感器来跟踪运动员的表现。对细节的关注是正确的,我迫不及待地想在不久的将来看到更多来自约瑟夫的消息。在Behance出版的是Joseph Cooper的作品,他是一个在黑&工作的indstrial设计师。网上没有太多关于他的东西,但你的发现绝对值得一看。很高兴看到约瑟夫实验的另一个类别比如时尚,但同时也是一个实用的方面。Hyperion是一种智能纺织品和电子元件的系统,它能让运动员们根据自己的需要定制和调整衣服。该夹克衫的设计目的是在日常运动训练中调节体温,同时帮助运动员跟踪和提高他们的成绩。耐克工业设计设计

I think I’ve mentioned it before but I am a huge fan of the Nike brand. I just love how they experiment all the time with their products and material. And at the same time it’s great to see designers going down this path as well. Let’s take a look at this concept by Joseph Cooper of a Nike Advanced Training Jacket. What’s particular from this concept is the use of battery (for charging) and sensors for tracking the performance of the athlete. The attention to the details are spot-on and I can’t wait to see more from Joseph in the near future.Published on Behance is the work from Joseph Cooper who is an indstrial designer working now at Black & Decker. There isn't much about him online but what you found is definitely worth a look. It's really great to see Joseph experiment with another category like fashion for example but at the same time with also a practical aspect.Hyperion is a system of intelligent textiles and electronic components which work together to give athletes the ability to customize and adapt any garment to their needs. The jacket was designed to regulate body temperature during everyday athletic training, as well as to help athletes track and improve their performance over time.  nike industrial design design