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2018-06-01 2219 0
在这个案例中,俄罗斯设计师罗曼·科罗列夫(Roman Korolev)分享了他设计这款名为Sletat(旅游搜索引擎网站)的绝妙标识的步骤。有一天,来自公司Sletat.ru的Vladimir联系了我,让我为他们的旅行搜索引擎设计一个标志,让每个人都可以在雪橇上找到合适的旅游路线。Sletat在英语中是“飞翔”的意思。logo设计任务是使用与图1和图0的关联,但我认为它不适合旅游公司,它更适合于一家软件公司。这里有一些关于这个标志的第一个想法:一个放大镜作为搜索的隐喻,风格化的S,一架飞机在地球上飞行。我建议使用@符号,而不是1和0,它也表示了IT领域。他们决定要实现这个想法。但后来我觉得这个想法的实现太过平淡。在第二次尝试。我又画了一些草图。我设计了一个类型。经批准的标志。案例研究标志设计

In this case study, Russian designer Roman Korolev shares the steps it took him to design this awesome logo for Sletat, a travel search engine website. Check it out and enjoy!For more from Roman Korolev visit behance.net/kaer.One day Vladimir from the company Sletat.ru contacted me and asked me to design a logo for their travel search engine. Everyone can find a suitable travel tour on Sletat.ru. Sletat is 'to fly' in English.The logo design task supposed using associations with figures 1 and 0, but I thought it wasn't suitable for a traveling company, it would rather do for a soft company.Here are some first ideas for the logo: a magnifying glass as a metaphor of search, stylized S,a jet flying around the Earth. Instead of 1 and 0, I suggested using the @ symbol which is also indicating the IT sphere.It was decided to realize this idea.But then I decided that the realization of the idea came out to be too plain. On the second try. I drew some sketches once again. I designed a type. I select the corporate color palette. The approved logo. case study logo design