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Artem Gridin的艺术海报平面设计

2018-06-02 1447 0
Artem Gridin是一名俄罗斯设计师,毕业于莫斯科国立印刷艺术大学,拥有图形艺术学位,但选择设计作为主要职业。在大型广告公司工作了5年之后,他创立了自己的设计工作室,目前为止他一直在那里工作。海报设计版式平面设计。

Artem Gridin is a russian designed who graduated from Moscow State University of Printing Arts with a degree in Graphical Arts, but chose Design as major occupation. After 5 years of work experience in big advertising agencies, founded a design studio of his own where he has been working up to now.For more from Artem Gridin visit cargocollective.com/artemgridin.For more from Artem Gridin visit cargocollective.com/artemgridin. poster design Typography graphic design