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2018-06-02 2468 1
我们是一份来自瑞典的精心设计的商业杂志。这款设计由瑞典平面设计师Mattias Sahlen和POP Kommunikation共同完成。我们专业SSG的客户杂志,包括各种采访,文章和新闻。它的目标是SSG的潜在客户和现有客户,以及利益相关者和意见领袖。发行量在不同的问题上有所不同,在这个具体的问题上,它的发行量是12.000份——散布在全国各地。该杂志的目的是加强SSG品牌,强调SSG的概念和服务的优势。编辑设计网格图形

WE is a very well designed business magazine from Sweden. Great typography mixed with photos and a simple grid are the key ingredients for this design done by Swedish graphic designer Mattias Sahlen along with POP Kommunikation.For more from Mattias Sahlen visit mattiassahlen.se.WE is SSG's customer magazine consisting of various interviews, articles and news. It is aimed at SSG’s prospective and existing clients as well as stakeholders and opinion-formers. The circulation varies between different issues and for this specific issue it was 12.000 copies – spread over the whole country. The purpose of the magazine is to strengthen the SSG brand and emphasize the advantages of SSG’s concepts and services. editorial design grids graphic