我们都知道,我们生活在一个以趋势为基础的世界里,这一点很重要,因为它让行业运转起来。对于设计师来说,理解这一点也很重要,并且能够处理各种风格。在任何职业中,这绝对是一个差别。Sebastian Onufszak就是一个很好的例子。他的作品就是一个例子。Sebastian Onufszak于1978年出生于波兰的Breslau(波兰),是一名德国波兰的插图画家、设计师和导演。2002年至2006年期间,他曾在一家位于德国奥格斯堡(Augsburg)的设计机构——Liquid——担任艺术总监,负责印刷和互动项目。2006年,他加入了Parasol Island,一家位于杜塞尔多夫的设计和动画工作室,担任创意总监。自2009年以来,Onufszak一直致力于在印刷、互动和移动媒体领域的高端客户领域,作为一名个体设计师。他的商业和个人作品在世界各地的设计出版物和展览中都有特色。他还在奥格斯堡的应用科学大学讲授动画和动画。2011年,在Vimeo上,由塞巴斯蒂安·奥乌法扎克(Sebastian Onufszak)设计的“神奇四侠”汽车奖杯揭幕。三个有胡子的人,我们相信他仍然生活在一个由塞巴斯蒂安·奥乌法扎克(Sebastian Onufszak)在Vimeo的圈子里。

We all know that we live in a world ba
sed on trends, and it's im
portant because it makes the industry move. It's also im
portant for designers to understand that and be able to work on all sorts of styles. That will definitely be a differential in any career. Sebastian o
nufszak is a good example of that. His work is an example of that.Born in Breslau (Poland) in 1978, Sebastian o
nufszak is a German-Polish illustrator, designer and director.Between 2002 and 2006 he worked as an Art Director at Liquid — a design agency ba
sed in Augsburg (Germany) — and was respo
nsible for print and interactive projects. In 2006 he joined Parasol Island, a design and animation studio in Düsseldorf, as Creative Director. Since 2009 o
nufszak has been working for an internatio
nal range of high-end clients in the fields of print, interactive and motion media as a self-employed designer. His commercial and perso
nal works were featured in numerous design publications and exhibitions worldwide. He also lectures on motion graphics and animation at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg.LufthansaThe Fantastic FourAuto Trophy Auto Trophy Opener 2011 from Sebastian o
nufszak on Vimeo.Three Men with BeardsIn Graphics We TrustAdobeIggesund Still Life in a Circle from Sebastian o
nufszak on Vimeo.IBMComputer Arts CoverRay BanFor more information visit http://www.onufszak.com/ inspiration graphic design motion design design