概念车对我们来说一直都是一个很吸引人的话题。今天,我展示了Hussain Almossawi和Marin Myftiu这款概念车,希望大家会喜欢!XKX捷豹是新一代电动跑车,旨在将性能和功率效率提升到一个新的水平。这个概念试图复兴品牌的辉煌设计线,结合新的解决方案,一个独特的,新的空气动力学,围绕电力系统的电气元素和尖端的能量反馈。从50年前的电子产品中得到灵感,在构思过程中,主要的挑战之一是避免与当今许多肌肉车相关的沉重负担,包括真正的捷豹车型。就像黄金时代的模型一样,我们想要重现一种薄而优雅的外形,但仍然显示出所有额外的力量和技术进步。解决方案是将体积划分为两个独立的感知实体:一个“漂浮”和传播特点veil-like感觉,和另一个,低于这一层,这说这辆车的所有权力和肾上腺素的能力,这是翻译成足够的前后开口的两侧。下半部分的形态是最重要的,显然是最具特色的;空气的大曲线的微妙平衡同时也传递了侵略性,但仍然显得轻而短暂,给上曲线提供了足够的感知亮度。这在一定程度上是由于一系列复杂的原因,但在很大程度上,这也是70年代时髦汽车的本质;e型的简约流畅的线条,也许是汽车的完美,几乎完全保留了所有的细节,它们几乎没有什么可改进的。就像康斯坦丁的雕塑表示目的,e代表汽车的本质,几乎完全光滑,肌肉和优雅的完美的平衡,体现在一个梦幻的外壳,似乎维持下去,盘旋在一些密集的、无形的流体也的很。在这种情况下,试图遵循一条通向“更好”的进化道路是一种悖论。然而,一个新的,深入研究了一些光荣的美洲豹模型,在我们的视野中再次找到那条道路,寻找独特的DNA特征的模型通过多年。应用目前的造型趋势和标准,尤其是在新的塑身技术和新技术的观点下,我们开始设想e型和XK8 Jags的非常后继,应用相似的,时尚的曲线,从鼻子到尾巴和谐地运行,其中一些是不间断的。捷豹灵感设计概念车汽车。

ncept Cars always have been a fascinating subject for us to get inspired for the future. What will be the next coming? Today, I am showcasing this co
ncept car by Hussain Almossawi and Marin Myftiu from Skyrill.com, I hope you guys will enjoyed it!The XKX Jaguar is a new generation electric roadster, aimed at pushing both performance and power efficiency to a new level. This co
ncept tries to revive the glorious design lines of the brand, combining fresh solutions, a unique, new aerodynamics, tailored around the electrical elements of the power system as well as cutting-edge energy feedback.Inspired by the e-type from 50 years agoSketchesOne of the main challenges during the co
ncept drafting was avoiding the heaviness associated with many of today’s muscle cars, including actual Jaguar models. Like with the models of the golden era, we wanted to recreate a thin, elegant profile, but still showing off all the extra power and technological improvements. The solution was dividing the volume into two separate perceptive entities: one that “floated over” and transmitted the characteristic veil-like feeling, and another, below this layer, that spoke of all the power and adrenaline this car was capable of, which was translated into ample front and rear openings at the sides. The morphology of the lower part was the most im
portant and is obviously the most distinctive compared to current roadsters; the delicate equilibrium of the large curves of the air intakes had at the same time to transmit aggressiveness, but still appearing light and ephemeral, giving the adequate perceptive lightness to the upper curves.This, is partly due to an intricate array of reasons, but in large part it’s also the very nature of those stylish cars of the ‘70s; the minimalistic, flowing lines of the E-Type, are maybe the very perfection of an automobile, almost entirely deprived of all the subtleties and excessive detail, they have very little to be improved. Just like the sculptural representations of Ko
nstantin Brancusi, the E-Type represents somehow the very essence of an automobile, with almost total smoothness, the perfect balance of muscle and elegance, all embodied in a dreamlike shell that seems to stay afloat, hovering on some dense, invisible fluid which also shaped it’s very being.Given the circumstances, is somehow a paradox to try to follow an evolutio
nary path that leads to something “better” than these masterpieces. However, a new, in depth study of some glorious Jaguar models, was in our view a chance to find that path again, looking for distinctive DNA traits of the model through the years. And applying current styling trends and standards, especially in the view of new body-forming techniques and new technologies, we started to envision the very successor of the E-Type and XK8 Jags, applying similar, stylish curves that run harmo
niously from nose to tail, some of them uninterruptedly. jaguar inspiration design co
nceptual co
ncept car automotive