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由Radim Malinic设计的伦敦西区

2018-06-01 1656 0
《西区秀》是伦敦著名平面设计师兼插画家Radim Malinic的创新画廊展览。Malinic在一系列精心设计的海报设计中探索了首都的神奇和熙熙攘攘的部分,将古典设计与22世纪令人眼花缭乱的霓虹灯的未来结合在了一起。“我想做一些与众不同的、概念性的、耐人寻味的事情,这对我来说是一个非常鼓舞人心的地方。”这是传统——狭窄的街道、建筑物、浮华和魅力。“它有心跳”,Malinic解释说。他补充道,“一旦你回顾历史,就会有大量的遗产。”人们现在把这个地区当作它的表面价值,它是一个购物的地方。通过大胆的字体、插图和诗歌的组合,每一件作品都讲述了这个令人兴奋的城市的无限奉献。Malinic通过探索伦敦西区的真实生活音乐剧的真实人物来诠释他对伦敦的热爱。《西区秀》(The West End Show)为狂热的首都居民提供了一种鼓舞人心的怀旧之情。这部名为《西端秀》的展览,展示了10幅海报,每幅海报都献给了一个西区,比如Soho、Covent Garden和Fitzrovia。华丽的、大胆的设计捕捉到了这一地区的活力,有一种健康的光彩照人的霓虹灯和闪闪发光的灯光。该展览现在向公众开放,直到3月2日在伦敦的Nancy Victor Gallery展出。海报伦敦灵感平面设计设计品牌nu。

The West End Show' is an innovative gallery exhibition by Radim Malinic, a leading London graphic designer and illustrator. Malinic explores the magical and bustling part of the capital in a series of elaborately illustrated poster designs, bringing together classic old century design with the dazzling neon future of the 22nd century.'I wanted to do something that was different, conceptual and intriguing - it’s a place that’s been very inspiring for me. It’s the heritage - the narrow streets, the buildings, the glitz and glamour. It’s got a heartbeat’, explains Malinic. He adds, ‘once you look behind the history it’s got an enormous amount of legacy. People now take the area for its face value, it's a place to go shopping and getting annoyed by huge crowds at Leicester Square' explains Malinic.Through a combination of bold typography, illustration and poetry, each piece tells the delicate story of classic design over-shadowed by the limitless offerings of this exciting city.Malinic interprets his love for London by exploring the true characters of the real life musical that is London's West End. 'The West End Show' offers an inspiring touch of nostalgia for the frenetic capital resident.The show, cleverly titled West End show, presents ten posters, each dedicated to one West End area, such as Soho, Covent Garden and Fitzrovia. The ornate, bold designs capture the vibrancy of the area, with a healthy smattering of the gaudy neon and glittering lights that festoon its streets.The show is now open to public at Nancy Victor Gallery, London until March 2. online store with limited edition prints and merchandise opens on March 3For more information about 'The West End Show', you can visit theWestEndShow.co.uk , also have a look at Radim Malinic's work at BrandNu.co.uk and follow him on Twitter @brand_nu . uk radim malinic poster london inspiration graphic design design brand nu