就像法比奥在文章中说的,在过去的5年里,我们在Abduzeedo中学到的教训是,做我们喜欢做的事情,分享我们所学到的东西是很好的。更重要的是,当他们发现自己愿意加入到对话中时,我们就已经激励了他们。这就是来自比利时的21岁设计师Bram Vanhaeren的例子,他受到了我们每个帖子的启发,开始了他自己的印刷版项目,叫做“每天的想法”。很高兴看到设计团队通过每个人的工作不断成长和激励自己。社区里有很多灵感,就像Bram的作品一样。Bram Vanhaeren每天都要挑战自己创造一种版式治疗!Bram不是无聊的Times New Roman,而是开始分享每个人都以一种有趣的方式理解的想法。一个简单的,创造性的解决方案。设计排版

Like Fabio said in the post a
bout the lessons learned here at Abduzeedo during these past 5 years, it is simply great to do what we love and share what we learn. And greater yet is to see that we've been inspiring people to the point when they find themselves willing to add to the conversation.That's just the case of Bram Vanhaeren, a 21-year-old designer from Belgium, who's been inspired by our every posts and began his own typography project called "An Idea Everyday". His work is pretty solid and his taste for typography is legit. It's nice to see that the design community keeps growing and inspiring itself through the work of everyone. People, be inspired. There's plenty inspiration in the community, just like Bram's work.Bram Vanhaeren challenged himself to create a typography treatment everyday! How long = unknown. Why? Making interesting quotes fun to read and remember. Instead of boring Times New Roman, Bram started to share ideas that everyone understood in a fun way. A simple, creative solution in sharing ideas. For more of Bram's work, you may check his perso
nal site or his portfolio at Behance. Don't forget to leave your feedback, since this is a new project for Bram. Show him a little love, right? Also, if you got your own typo pieces you may share it with us in the comments. I hope you enjoy these! Cheers. ;) design Typography