David Schwen是一名来自明尼阿波利斯的设计师和插画家,他以自己的名字写了一些很棒的作品。他的很多插图都是在Threadless上获得批准的,他让它变得有趣,结果非常酷。

David Schwen is a designer and Illustrator from Minneapolis, MN with some awesome work under his name. A lot of his illustrations have been approved on Threadless because he makes it fun and the outcome it's super cool. Check them out!For more from David Schwen visit dschwen.comPop CultureUgly Summer SweaterChildren at PlayGradi(ant)GOOD Editorial Illustratio
nWhat the F*rkCalifornia RaisinsThird Dimensio
nPopped CollarPipe Dreams...i'm lovin' fatThe 3 Divisions of Pigs inspirations illustrations design