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2018-05-31 1546 0
就在最近,国际设计组织SlashTHREE发布了他们最新的17号展览,标题为:引用。一套不同风格的基于数字图像,插图,摄影和音乐简单地引用。我们荣幸向你们展示,一些令人惊叹的作品。Edmar Cisneros、Rob Shields、Nicolas Baroille和Anthony Giacomino在本次展览中表现突出,而最近加入集体的Tarin Yuangtrakul的作品将会成为slashTHREE史上最强的作品之一。集体设计设计集体灵感slash3。

Just recently, the International Design Collective named SlashTHREE, released their latest exhibition number 17 entitled: Quote Unquote. A beautiful set of different style of digital imagery, illustrations, photography and music simply based on a quote. This is in our pleasure to present to you guys, some of those amazing pieces.The result was an exhibition that saw many styles of literature interpreted in a new light by our artist core. The efforts of Edmar Cisneros, Rob Shields, Nicolas Baroille, and Anthony Giacomino shone through as highlights in this exhibition, while the work of one of the latest additions to the collective, Tarin Yuangtrakul, will go down as some of the strongest in the history of slashTHREE.For more information about SlashTHREE and their artists, you can visit SlashTHREE.com or simply follow them on Twitter @slashTHREE. collective design design collective inspiration slashthree