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2018-05-31 1831 0
由Justin Barber设计,这个幽默的海报系列采取了一些最常见的,日常的谎言,我们告诉自己和听取别人,并直率地将他们翻译成明确的真相。通过直观地表现我们经常说的,但秘密的,真相和谎言的不同,揭示了在我们平常的生活中揭示了矛盾的二分法的空洞的对话的细微差别。换句话说,这就是你所说的,但是(这就是你的意思)——我们都知道。设计海报真相&谎言

Designed by Justin Barber, this humorous poster series takes some of the most common, everyday lies we tell ourselves and hear from others, and bluntly translates them into the unequivocal truth. By visually representing the difference in what we often say but secretly mean, Truth and Lies uncovers the inane conversational nuances that reveal paradoxical dichotomies in our otherwise ordinary life. In other words, this is what you say, but (this is what you mean) - and we all know it.For more from Justin Barber visit behance.net/justinbarber & dribbble.com/justinbarber design poster truth & lies