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2018-05-30 1459 0
Commoner, Inc是杰出设计师Richard Arthur Stewart的家,在这篇文章中,你会看到他所做的一些惊人的工作。非常干净的设计,有很多风格,让每一个细节都很享受。在参照品牌的年龄和历史的时候,给了它强有力的男性感觉。他的主题非常黑暗,有时甚至连读都读不懂,但他总能以一种近乎异想天开的喜剧风格来表达。我认为这是他作品的真正之美。要能够在如此短的时间内从读者那里获得如此广泛的情感,记住他大部分故事都不超过20页。位于肯摩尔广场的一个塔普罗姆和餐馆的较低的深度,受到它的港口城市历史的启发。鼠城啤酒有限公司是一家专业生产手工精酿啤酒的精品酿酒厂,坐落于马州奥尔斯顿的心脏地带。该公司被命名为对它居住的社区的一种致敬,因为它以压倒性的老鼠数量而臭名昭著。作为一个乐观的人,这个名字是一种展示当地自豪感的方式,同时也有别于波士顿和周边地区的许多其他酒吧。从禁酒令时代受到很大的影响,设计和复制都是对经典的认可,同时仍然保持着相关和现代。这个品牌反映了一种蓝色的领子,它是一种浸透在传统中对家庭酿造工艺的尊重。灵感设计图形

Commoner, Inc is home of the brilliant designer Richard Arthur Stewart and on this post you will see some of the amazing work he has done. Very clean design with a lot of style to it, making every bit of detail so enjoyable. Check it out!For more works from Richard visit commonerinc.comFast Eddie's Barber ShopFast Eddie's is a no nonsense barber shop found in Allston, MA. one of Boston's many historical neighborhoods. This place is the epitome of traditional Americana, which I wanted the mark and typography to represent; Franklin Gothic and ATF Bodoni scanned from a letterpress book with a mashup illustration combining an iconic eagle and barber's comb.I wanted to stay away from the "red, white & blue" barber pole theme and stick with something high contrast and modern. Stark, rich blacks screen printed on whitewash 100 lb. card stock give the collateral a strong masculine feel while referencing the brand's age and history. Poe Covers ReimaginedA tribute in my own way after discovering how much I love Edgar Allan Poe's work. I wanted the design to reflect his tongue-in-cheek way with words. His themes were very dark and at sometimes too morbid to even read, but he always had a way of conveying them in an almost whimsical, comedic fashion. I thought this was truly the beauty of his work. To be able to illicit such a broad range of emotions from the reader and in such a short amount of time, remembering that the majority of his stories aren't more than 20 or so pages.The Lower DepthsIdentity for a taproom and restaurant in Kenmore square, inspired by it's port town history.Rat City Beer Co.Rat City is a boutique brewery specializing in artisanal craft beer, located in the heart of Allston, MA. The company was named as a tribute to the neighborhood it resides in, notorious for it's overwhelming rat population. Being ever optimistic, the name was a way to show local pride as well as differentiate itself from the many other brewhouses in Boston and the surrounding area.Drawing much influence from the prohibition era, the design and copy give a nod to the classics while still remaining relevant and contemporary. The brand reflects a blue collar, D.I.Y. aesthetic that is steeped in tradition with respect for the craft of home brewing. inspiration design graphic