大卫·马沙(David Mascha)更新了他的投资组合,并推出了一些新作品,当然,他的新作品也应该在Abduzeedo上得到一个新功能。对于那些不认识大卫的人来说,他是一位维也纳的设计师和插画家。自2005年以来,他一直在维也纳的几家设计工作室工作,并为国际客户、时装和设计品牌、杂志和书籍开发项目。AT&TIBM系统设计特征图形设计维也纳。

David Mascha has updated his portfolio with some new work and of course his new pieces deserve a feature here on Abduzeedo. For those who don't know David, he is a Vienna ba
sed designer and illustrator. Since 2005, he has been working for several design studios in Vienna as well as developing projects for internatio
nal clients, fashion and design labels, magazines and books.For more information a
bout David, visit his website at http://davidmascha.com. Also there is a great interview that David did for the DEPTHCORE collective, check it out.TypeTreatments 2011AT&TIBM Systems design feature graphic design vienna