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2018-05-29 1804 15
Charmaine Olivia是2010年最伟大的设计/艺术启示之一。在旧金山的一个22岁的女孩,她认为自己是一个抽屉、画家、饮茶者和自学成才的艺术家。她的绘画向我们展示了一个非常独特的时尚和美丽,有纹身、性感和有趣的女孩的肖像。我是一个梦想家,画家,饮茶者,自学的旧金山艺术家。我出生并成长在南加州的一个海滨小镇,在那里我开始在餐巾纸上画酱油,但后来又升级到纸和油漆。我现在住在旧金山阳光明媚的任务区,我喜欢在公园里玩拼字游戏,还抱着我的小猫和小猫。我每天晚上都做梦(这可能是令人讨厌的)。我很少有想法或灵感的缺乏,它正在寻找时间去创造我脑海中所有的图像,这是很棘手的。不幸的是,很多这样的心理意象都迷失了,并被埋在了新的作品中。插图灵感艺术charmaine olivia设计绘画。

Charmaine Olivia is for me one of the greatest design/art revelations from 2010. A 22 years old girl based at San Francisco, CA, she consider herself as a drawer, painter, tea-drinker and a self-taught artist. Her paintings and drawings show us a very particular fashion and beautiful reality with portraits of tattooed, sexy and interesting girls.I'm a dreamer, painter, tea-drinker, self-taught San Franciscan artist. I was born and raised in a small beach town in Southern California where I first started drawing with soy sauce on napkins but have since upgraded to paper and paint. I now reside in San Francisco's sunny Mission District where I love playing Scrabble in the park, cuddling with my kitten & drinking peppermint tea ( Charmaine's Website ).A huge source of inspiration are my dreams. I dream every night (which can be tiresome.) I rarely have a shortage of ideas or inspiration, it’s finding the time to create all the images in my head that can be tricky. Unfortunately many of these mental images get lost and buried under new ones ( We love Creativity Charmaine's Interview )You can know more about Charmaine Olivia and her work by accessing her Website and her Devianart. illustration inspiration art charmaine olivia design drawing painting