
Adam Jackson currently resides in Seattle Washington, but spent most of my life growing up in Japan. His work is infused with a love for fashion, comic books, rock posters, cartoons and a heavy influence of pop culture in general. Adam graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle in 2005 and has since been working in the apparel/fashion industry primarily as a graphic artist (Adam's blog).“In my art, I look to capture those moments and ex
pressions I find the most beautiful and ico
nic and elaborate on them. Whether it’s bold patterns and bright colors, or simple black and white drawings, I am always trying to bring out the attitude and perso
nality of the subject matter. I seem to prefer the black and white, especially right now"(Adam's blog).With you wanna know more a
bout Adam and his work, you can access his Website or his Facebook page. design art sexy adam isaac jackson drawing illustration