Pantone发布了2018年的官方颜色——紫外线(准确地说,是Pantone 18-3838)。潘通自2000年以来就一直在提名今年的颜色,它经常被视为流行文化情绪的晴雨表——尽管设计师们在年度评选中欣然接受潮流调色板,但它往往是一种自我实现的预言。人们通常认为,紫色不是一种紫色,而是一种颜色本身。技术上,紫外线与红外线相似,因为它通常不能被人眼检测到。所以潘通的紫外线被命名更多的是为了营销目的而不是科学的准确性。潘通的《紫外线》是否能代表2018年世界杯还有待观察。2016年玫瑰石英双选宁静号很可能已经被悲伤的黑色所取代;2017年的绿色植物(象征着与大自然重新建立联系)被人们笑着误判了,很可能已经被愤怒的红色所取代。如果我们把潘通的年度色彩作为一种渴望,而不是一种预测,那么它就更有意义了。潘通的色彩研究所为2018年选择了紫外线,部分是为了反映我们生活的这个世界的复杂性:(紫外线)是一种非常引人注目的颜色,但也是一种深思熟虑的颜色……从历史上看,这是一种与独创性、独创性和远见卓识联系在一起的颜色……Pantone Color学会的执行主任也许最能说明潘通的颜色是在2018年,这是一种经常与另一种颜色混淆的颜色,它是以我们无法看到的光谱上的一个点命名的。

Pantone have unveiled their official color of 2018, Ultra Violet (Pantone 18-3838 to be precise.)Pantone have been nominating a color of the year since 2000, and it’s often seen as a barometer for the prevailing cultural mood—although with designers jumping on the annual selection as an easy option for an on-trend palette, it has frequently been a self-fulfilling prophecy.Violet is not, as commo
nly perceived, a shade of purple but rather a hue in its own right. Technically ultra violet is similar to infrared in that it can’t normally be detected by the human eye. So Pantone’s Ultra Violet is named more for marketing purposes than scientific accuracy.Whether Pantone’s Ultra Violet will be representative of 2018 remains to be seen. 2016’s dual-choice of Rose Quartz & Serenity should probably have been replaced with funereal black; 2017’s Greenery (which symbolized a fresh reco
nnection with nature) was laughingly misjudged, and should probably have been replaced by an angry red. If we take Pantone’s color of the year as an aspiration, rather than a prediction, then it makes a lot more sense.Pantone’s color institute selected Ultra Violet for 2018, in part to reflect the complexity of the world we’re living in:[Ultra Violet] is a very provocative shade, but it’s also a thoughtful color…this is the kind of color attached, historically, to originality, ingenuity, and visio
nary thinking…It’s intriguing, fascinating, and magical—Lee Eisenman, executive director of the Pantone Color InstitutePerhaps the most telling thing a
bout Pantone’s color for 2018 is that it’s a color often co
nfused with another, and is named after a point on the spectrum we can’t actually see.