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2018-06-06 2158 0
这是正确的!Oculus Rift也有自己的浏览器,目前名为“Carmel”。人们对浏览器本身知之甚少,只知道它将在Oculus Rift和Gear VR上运行。然而,有趣的是,Facebook (Oculus的母公司)正在对VR进行大规模收购,以使其越来越受欢迎。他们甚至创建了反应物vr,当然,这是基于他们自己的React框架。表示与WebVR携手合作,WebVR是一种用于创建虚拟现实体验的API,可以立即从web上访问。基本上,如果一个公司想要给你一个基于虚拟现实的产品演示,你不用下载一个应用程序就能看到它。戴上耳机就行了。在严格的个人层面上,我很难看到这成为一件事。这并不是因为VR很神奇。这是因为好的VR头盔仍然很昂贵,更不用说长时间使用后的不舒服了。我的意思是,Oculus Rift售价600美元,而三星Gear要便宜得多,无论你把三星手机放在哪里,它的价格都是一样的。与此同时,HTC Vive的售价高达800美元。我的意思是,这和移动几乎是相反的,它没有任何用途。我是一个相当专注的游戏玩家,我不知道硅谷以外的人怎么能认为这些是“可负担的”选择。忘掉其他国家的人吧,比如墨西哥。换句话说,如果我,一个游戏玩家,在VR变得更便宜之前,很少看到它的实际用途,人们可能不会购买Oculus Rift在网上观看VR内容(其中大部分将是产品演示和广告)。现在,如果Facebook想要为VR的发展做好准备,他们正在做出正确的举动。但要过多久我们才能看到真正能负担得起的选择呢?当然,亚洲也有一些真正便宜的VR设备,但至少在西方市场上,我们需要先看看更好、更便宜、更知名的品牌,然后再用耳机上网。我的意思是,它几乎和移动电话相反,移动电话哪儿也去不了。话虽如此,我还是无比好奇,我想看看这到底是怎么回事。我可能完全错了。如果它是虚拟的,你会很有趣的看到网络的样子。至少,它将给响应性设计带来一个全新的维度。

That’s right! The Oculus Rift is getting its very own web browser, currently named “Carmel”. Not much is known about the browser itself, other than that it will run on both the Oculus Rift, and Gear VR.Yeah, that’s about it. What’s interesting, though, is that Facebook (Oculus’ parent company) is making a massive bid on VR getting popular. They’ve gone so far as to create ReactVR, which is, of course, based on their own React framework. ReactVR is meant to work hand-in-hand with WebVR, which is an API for creating virtual reality experiences that can be accessed immediately from the web.Basically, if a company wants to give you a virtual-reality-based demo of its products, you won’t have to download an app just to see it. Just slip on your headset and go.On a strictly personal level, I have trouble seeing this becoming a thing. It’s not because VR isn’t amazing. It’s because good VR headsets are still expensive, not to mention uncomfortable after long periods of use. I mean, the Oculus Rift costs $600 USD, while Samsung Gear is a lot cheaper, there’s still the cost of whatever Samsung phone you put in it. Meanwhile, the HTC Vive costs a whopping $800 USD.I mean, it’s pretty much the opposite of mobile, which isn’t going anywhere.I’m a fairly dedicated gamer, and I don’t see how anyone outside of Silicon Valley could ever think those are “affordable” options. Forget about people in other countries, like Mexico, where I am. In other words, if I, a gamer, see little practical use for VR until it gets cheaper, people probably won’t be buying an Oculus Rift to see VR content on the web (much of which will be product demos and advertising, basically).Now, if Facebook wants to get ready for VR going big, they’re making the right moves. But how long will it be before we see options that really are affordable? Sure, there are some really cheap VR devices coming out of Asia, but we’re going to need to see something better, cheaper, and from more well-known brands before browsing the web on a headset gets big, at least in Western markets.I mean, it’s pretty much the opposite of mobile, which isn’t going anywhere.That said, I’m incorrigibly curious, and I want to see where this goes. I could be all wrong about it. It’ll be interesting to see what the web looks like if it goes virtual. It’ll bring a whole new dimension to responsive design, at the least.