
The awesome folks from Grovemade have recently introduced what they called: Desk Shelf System to enhance your workspace to the very next level. Most of our workspaces are generally cluttered with so many things. Grovemade is offering a wide range of products that intents to give you co
ntrol of your clutter. Check out their store wher
e you will find shelves, pads, laptop lifts, desk trays and more. Everything is beautifully designed and right to the brand of Grovemade.Located in Portland, Oregon, Grovemade is a small but dedicated team of making and building products for your home, office, Apple and more. We love their products on ABDZ, you should definitely check out their site at l
inksLearn more a
bout Grovemade at grovemade.comFollow Grovemade on InstagramDesk Shelf Gallery grovemade industrial design design craft