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2018-06-09 1437 0
今天谷歌已经向我们介绍了他们的第二代硬件,最激动人心的新硬件是什么?2017年的阵容中充满了新的东西,我们觉得他们已经涵盖了所有的新像素手机,谷歌家庭迷你和Max,新设计的Pixelbook,谷歌剪辑,谷歌像素的花蕾,和一个更新的Daydream视图耳机。有的AI都能让你的生活更轻松。从压缩你的像素2到使用Pixelbook pen,谷歌助手将从它的尖端AI中学到很多东西。Mini和Max的谷歌HomeGoogle Home已经取得了巨大的成功,将谷歌助手带进了你的家庭。现在他们正在推出一个更小的版本,他们称之为Mini。这款迷你车的设计很时尚,大约有一个甜甜圈那么大。我喜欢将360度的声音融入3种不同的颜色(粉笔、木炭和珊瑚)。谷歌还介绍了Max,这是他们的第一个有智能声音的扬声器,一个由谷歌的人工智能驱动的新的音频体验,可以根据你的环境,你的背景和你的喜好来调整扬声器的声音。像素2和像素2 XLThe声明我个人最感兴趣。将像素2再次引入市场上最高级别的相机。Pixel 2也防水,没有耳机插孔,这是目前智能手机的标准。但我最感兴趣的是“谷歌镜头”,它是一种视觉智能的介绍,你可以通过点击谷歌照片上的镜头图标来查找地标、书籍、音乐专辑、电影和艺术品。我有点失望是照相机仍然是“相同”的硬件,但它是今年所有软件的一部分。把笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机的最好部分结合在一起,将它们整合在一起。Pixelbook是一个12.3英寸高分辨率的触摸屏,它配备了高级硬件、速度、简单性、Chrome OS的安全性、谷歌助理的smarts;还有你最喜欢的谷歌游戏应用。看看他们如何将“谷歌助理”从键盘上输入,这是非常棒的。我有兴趣测试它作为一个设计项目的主要工具。Pixel BudsThis的声明让我惊讶,它是像素芽的介绍。无线耳机可以帮助你在谷歌助理中做更多的事情,我觉得最令人兴奋的是内置的谷歌翻译功能。你能相信它能用40种语言工作吗?看到它在野外使用会很有趣。视频工业设计谷歌制作谷歌像素。

Today Google has introduced us their second generation of hardware at their Made by Google Event. Did you watch it? What was your most exciting new hardware? 2017 lineup is packed with new stuff and we feel that they have covered all ends from the new Pixel phones, Google Home Mini and Max, new designed Pixelbook, Google Clips, Google Pixel Buds, and an updated Daydream View headset. It's a lot! And all powered with AI where Google Assistant will easily make your life easier. From squeezing your Pixel 2 to using the Pixelbook pen, Google Assistant will learn a lot from its cutting-edge AI. Where are we heading next?Made by Google Family PhotoMore linksLearn more about the products by Made by GoogleToday, we introduced our second generation family of consumer hardware products, all made by Google: new Pixel phones, Google Home Mini and Max, an all new Pixelbook, Google Clips hands-free camera, Google Pixel Buds, and an updated Daydream View headset. We see tremendous potential for devices to be helpful, make your life easier, and even get better over time when they’re created at the intersection of hardware, software and advanced artificial intelligence (AI).Mini and Max to the Google HomeGoogle Home has been a tremendous success by bringing Google Assistant within your household. Now they are introducing a smaller version where they call it: Mini. With a sleek design, the Mini is about the size of a donut. I do love the integration of a 360-degree sound that comes into 3 different colours (chalk, charcoal and coral). Google is also introducing Max which is their first speaker with Smart Sound, a new audio experience powered by Google’s artificial intelligence, that can adjust the sound of its speaker depending your environment, your context, and your preferences. Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XLThe announcement I was personally most excited about. Introducing the Pixel 2 with again the most highest-rated camera on the market right now. The Pixel 2 is also water-resistant with no headphone jack, which is kind of a standard in terms of smartphone nowadays. But the feature I was most intrigued about is "Google Lens" where it's an introduction of visual smarts where you will be able to look up landmarks, books, music albums, movies and artwork by clicking on the Lens icon in Google Photos, all around you. I was slightly disappointed that the camera is still the "same" hardware but it's all part of the software this year. Google PixelbookCombining the best parts of a laptop, a tablet, and a smartphone, all together into one. Pixelbook is a 12.3-inch high-resolution touchscreen that comes with premium hardware, speed, simplicity, security of Chrome OS, smarts of the Google Assistant; and all your favorite apps on Google Play. It's very neat to see how they have integrated "Google Assistant" like from a keyboard key for example. I would be interested to test it out as being the main tool of a design project. Pixel BudsThis announcement that took me by surprise and it's the intro of the Pixel Buds. A wireless headphones that help you do more within Google Assistant and the feature where I feel is the most exciting is the built-in Google Translate capabilities. Can you believe that it works with 40 languages? It would be interesting to see it used in the wild. Video  industrial design design google made by google pixel