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2018-06-08 2143 0

We are featuring this superb industrial design & product design of a wallet named Kin. This wallet stands out from what's on the market for one particular reason, its coin management. Depending what type of a waller user that you are, I think we all have been through a situation where coins just bring you misery when comes to checkout your items at the store. In additional to its unique feature, the material used is also water resistant, even though things are going slowly but surely card-less; let's just say that it's never to late to refine our good old wallet.Kin is the World's first wallet that just sort your coins like magic. You really gotta watch the video to actually believe it. The wallet offers a simple solution to manage your coins just like magic and we understand why people went totally buzzed about it.Video4746 happy Kickstarter customers and $280,000 in sales within the first 30 days. KIN is now officially in mass-production, and we're taking new orders.Photo Gallery More linksPurchase yours today: kinstudio.sgMake sure to follow their latest on Instagram industrial design design