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2018-06-08 2071 8
我真的很喜欢看到这种艺术设计合作,把艺术和人结合在一起。我们正在看的这个篮球场,不像其他地方,颜色和坡度在振动和幸福中结合在一起。在这次合作的背后,我们有Pigalle x Illstudio和Nike。自2009年以来,他们一直在做这方面的工作,而Illstudio在2014年也加入了这个计划。让我们坐下来欣赏这个消失的艺术作品吧。这是Pigalle(时尚品牌)和Illstudio的合作,位于法国巴黎的摄影工作室。这不是他们第一次合作,这个篮球场在2009年首次被装修。

I really love seeing this kind of artsy set design collaboration between us artists to bring art and people together. It's just beautiful! We are taking a look at this basketball court not like the others where colours and gradients come together in vibrancy and happiness. Behind this collaboration, we have Pigalle x Illstudio and Nike. They have been doing this initiative since 2009 and Illstudio jumped into the plot back in 2014. Let's sit back and enjoy this vanishing art piece.This is a collaboration between Pigalle (fashion brand) and Illstudio (design & photography studio based in Paris, France). This is not the first of their collab work together, this basketball court has been first decorated back in 2009.From us to the youth! Brand new court delivered by Pigalle & Ill-Studio with the love of Nike CreditsCollaboration Pigalle x IllstudioPhotography by Sebastien MicheliniImages via Dezeen set design design