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2018-06-08 3381 7
我真的非常喜欢用设计来帮助别人的项目。这是由Jexter Lim设计的。我真的建议你们通过他的Behance来看看Jexter的广泛过程。我的意思是,我们遵循他的设计过程,从草图,原型,3d原型,比较测试,以及接近最终的产品。我最喜欢的是用户测试的介绍,在这里你可以清楚地看到几个用户,他们在日常生活中所做的事情和他们平时做的事情相比是最有效的。Jexter Lim是最近从新加坡国立大学毕业的工业设计师。他的座右铭是“关键是正确的连接”,他通过草图、头脑风暴和创建独一无二的、独一无二的项目来获得他的经验。对于视力受损的人来说,他们无法估量用勺子拿起的食物量,而许多未吃的食物通常是散落在盘子周围。此外,把水和餐具倒进碗里,把水和餐具倒在热腾腾的汤里是最糟糕的体验,因为没有合适的视力。

I really do take a great joy featuring projects that use design to help others. It is the very case with Eatsy, adaptive tableware for the visually impaired designed by Jexter Lim. I really would suggest that you guys take a look at Jexter's extensive process via his Behance. I mean we follow his design process and journey from the sketching, prototyping, 3d prototyping, comparison testing and what's close to be the final product. What I loved the most was the introduction of the user testing where you can clearly see after several users, what works the best compared to what they would normally do on their everyday life.Jexter Lim is a industrial designer that recently graduated from the National University of Singapore. With the motto that "the key is the right connection", Jexter is gaining his experience through sketching, brainstorming and creating projects that are unique and one of a kind.For the visually impaired, they cannot gauge the amount of food picked up with a spoon, and much uneaten food is usually left scattered around the plate. Furthermore, misalignment of the spout to the cup while pouring water and cutleries falling into a hot bowl of soup are the worst experiences to deal with without proper vision. Follow Jexter Lim on Behance industrial design design