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2018-06-07 1147 0
Legurme是一个美味的antipasti品牌,它以忙碌的日常生活为目标,追求高质量和方便的产品。不同的颜色有不同的味道,形成了一系列和谐的标签。让我们来看看他们美丽的品牌和品牌。由巴西创意工作室IndustriaHED设计。“Legurme”是两个词的合成词,“豆荚”是葡萄牙语中的“蔬菜”和“美食家”,是与烹饪艺术相关的文化理想,字母“t”和“Puro Sabor”是指纯粹的味道或纯粹的味道。品牌包装设计

Legurmê is a gourmet antipasti brand that targets young consumers with busy routines that seek high quality and convenient products. The colors differ the flavors of each antipasti, forming a collection of harmonious labels. Let's take a look at their beautiful branding & packaging design.Designed by Brazilian creative studio IndustriaHED.The name Legurmê is a mix of two words, “Legumes” Portuguese word for Vegetables and “Gourmet”, a cultural ideal associated with the culinary arts, word with the letter “t” mute and "Puro Sabor” that means pure taste or pure flavor. branding packaging design