Old St. Pete是圣彼得堡酿酒厂生产的工艺路线。设计师格兰特·甘德森(Grant Gunderson)想要在20世纪的时候捕捉到阳光城市的精神,而不是让它太过俗气,因为它是一种高端产品。每一种精神都有一个定制的配方项链和定制的装运盒,上面有老旧的明信片,在佛罗里达州的圣彼得堡。包装设计的设计精神

Old St. Pete is a craft line made by St. Petersburg Distillery. Designer Grant Gunderson wanted to capture the spirit of the sunshine city in the 1900's without making it too cheesy because it is still a premium product. Each Spirit has a custom recipe neck tag and custom shipping carton with old post cards of ico
nic spots in St. Petersburg Florida.For more from Grant Gunderson visit behance.net/ggunderson. packaging design design spirits