匈牙利设计师Boglarka Nadi决定为她的最终论文做这个令人惊叹的项目。她设计了所有基于匈牙利民间故事的邮票,结果令人惊叹,看看吧!从Boglarka Nadi的访问中,我看到了这个故事的世界,我注意到有一些邮票是用这类主题制作的,但是并没有特别强调匈牙利民间故事。这个好消息让我很开心,因为我不会考虑做一份自私自利的工作,我希望我能得到广泛的听众。我可能是个乐观主义者,但我认为只有少数人不喜欢这些精彩的故事。邮票设计平面设计

Hungarian designer Boglárka Nádi decided to take on this amazing project for her final thesis. She designed all the stamps ba
sed on Hungarian Folk Tales and the result is amazing, check it out!For more from Boglárka Nádi visit behance.net/bigibogi.The world of the tale sare close to my heart and I noticed that there were some stamps made with this kind of theme, however there was no series made with an emphasis on just the Hungarian folktales. This good news made me quite happy, because I wouldn’t have co
nsidered making a self-serving work and I hoped I could pleasure a wide range of audience. I may be an optimist, but I think there are o
nly a few people who are not delighted by these wo
nderful stories. stamp design graphic design