在这篇文章中,你将看到来自西班牙巴塞罗那的设计师Quim Marin的精彩海报。他的风格非常简单,使用形状、颜色和字体,这些海报用非常强烈的信息传达给生活。在这样一个视觉污染的环境中,我试图设计出一种全新的、令人难忘的设计,它的目标是在美的均衡,同时确保沟通的有效性。海报设计平面设计

In this post you wills see an amazing poster collection by Quim Marin, a designer from Barcelona, Spain. His style is really simple, using shapes, colors, and typography these posters come to life with a really strong message. Enjoy!For more from Quim Marin visit quimmarin.com, and behance.net/quimmarin.In such a visually polluted enviro
nment I try to come up with fresh and memorable designs with a clear aim at essential beauty and equilibrium that, at the same time, will ensure communicative effectiveness. posters graphic design design