一种印刷出版物,提供我们最好的创造性的洞察力包装在一个漂亮设计的像素自由格式。在99U,我们认识到在网上阅读关于想法执行的文章是一个第22条:web浏览器并不总是理想的环境,它可以向后靠,避开那些在我们日常生活中分散我们注意力的邮件和通知。为了帮助我们摆脱这种疯狂,我们很高兴地出版了《99年季刊》,这是一本印刷出版物,提供了我们最好的创意,包装精美的像素格式。这个问题我们用大胆的概念性的说明性元素来介绍每一篇专题文章。我们的正常的黑色和白色调色板与teal (Pantone 333U)一起更新,我们依靠漂亮的Vitesse作为我们选择的重音字体。所有这些元素都被赋予了新的、优雅的、薄的模式,这些模式充当了片段和间隙的引用。MUTI编辑设计灵感杂志。

In this editorial inspiration we'll take a close look at the 99U Quarterly Magazine Issue No. 3. A print publication offering our best creative insights packaged in a beautifully designed pixel-free format. Enjoy!At 99U, we recognize that reading a
bout idea execution o
nline is a catch-22: the web browser isn’t always the ideal enviro
nment to lean back and shun the emails and notifications that distract us in our day-to-day. To help offer a reprieve from the madness, we are happy to publish the 99U Quarterly, a print publication offering our best creative insights packaged in a beautifully designed pixel-free format.This issue we went big on bold co
nceptual illustrative elements to introduce each feature article. Our normal palette of black and white was freshened up with teal (Pantone 333U) and we relied on the beautiful Vitesse as our accent font of choice. All of these elements were put into play with new, elegant, thin patterns that acted as section breaks and interstitial quotes.The cover, by MUTI, is a counter-intuitive take on the co
ncept of fall, which is usually viewed as the beginning of the Earth's yearly cycle of decay and renewal. Instead, we viewed fall as the time to begin anew: this is when school begins, sports seasons start, and it becomes much easier to get back to work after a long summer layoff. Close observers will see the actual early bird grabbing its worm.CreditsCREATIVE DIRECTION: Raewyn Brandon & Matias CoreaDESIGN: Alejandro Torres VieraEDITORIAL: Jocelyn K. Glei, Sean Blanda, & Sasha VanHoven ILLUSTRATOR: MUTI editorial design inspiration magazine