Daniel Paper是一家为Daniel在奥地利维也纳设计的报纸。这是一本美丽的出版物,旨在向所有客人展示酒店的特色。充满惊人的图形,令人敬畏的网格和排版。享受吧!聪明的旅行者喜欢以简单的方式旅行:轻便的行李,接受新的想法。丹尼尔酒店是为那些喜欢好的风格的人建造的。房间里的吊床,屋顶上的艺术,前院的城市园艺,还有更多。现在每个人都能得到丹尼尔的生活方式:新的Daniel Paper处理了酒店所有令人兴奋的特点。大尺寸的照片,清晰的设计,强烈的个人风格:这就是丹尼尔独特的地方,它的纸棒极了。moodley品牌标识的公司出版。报纸编辑设计平面设计。

Daniel Paper is a newspaper designed for Hotel Daniel in Vienna, Austria. It's a beautiful publication designed to display the features of the hotel to all their guests. Full of amazing graphics, awesome grid and typography. Enjoy!Smart travellers like to travel in a simple way: light luggage, open to new ideas. Hotel Daniel was built for those who appreciate good style for good money. A hammock in the room, art on the roof, urban gardening in the front yard. And there's still more.Now everybody can get the Daniel lifestyle in print: The new Daniel Paper deals with all of the hotel’s exciting features. Large-sized photographs, clear design, a strong perso
nal touch: That’s what makes the Daniel unique and its paper awesome.Corporate Publishing by moodley brand identity. newspaper editorial design graphic design