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2018-06-04 2482 0
今天我想分享一个来自德国的威士忌品牌的美丽品牌和包装。纽约的设计师查德·迈克尔把这个项目带到了另一个层次,看看这个美丽的地方。移民的麦芽威士忌是一种来自德国的蒸馏酒,2013年初,我与特洛特维公司联系,帮助他们开发他们的新品牌“移民”。他们是一家德国公司,希望在他们已故的祖父Ken Trautwein 1930年的移民旅行中开发一个品牌。这种威士忌的独特之处在于,它是用苏格兰的混合物提取出来的,然后在美国橡木桶中陈酿,然后在德国蒸馏。一个真正的跨文化经验。简约、粗糙和建立“工艺”线索有助于激发故事的特点。品牌包装设计

Today I want to share this beautiful branding and packaging of a Whiskey brand from Germany. Designer Chad Michael from New York took this project to a whole other level, take a look at this beauty.For more from Chad Michael visit workbychadmichael.com and behance.net/ChadMichael.Migrant {Malt "Scotch" Whiskey} is a distilled spirit from Germany.ChallengeIn early 2013, I was contacted by the Trautwein Distillery Company to help them develop their new brand "Migrant". They're a German based company who wanted to develop a brand on their late grandfather, Ken Trautwein, 1930's migration travels. The whiskey is uniquely made by using scottish blends from their next door neighbor in Speyside which are then aged in American Oak all the while being distilled in Germany. Truly a cross-cultural experience. SolutionThe solution was to use visual cues from his actual passport, passage, and the rawness that period reflected. Being minimal, rough, and building up the "craft" cues helped evoke the character of the story. branding packaging design