缺失的环节,由我们自己创造的大自然创造的。这是一个新的前沿组织发布的年度报告,他们设计用来说明过去进化的特殊时刻为数字转换提供了创新的解决方案。该报告由自然元素充分说明,并有一个漂亮的排版,使每一页都是一个伟大的组成。令人惊讶的是,丢失的链接触发了我们这个时代的一些伟大发明。New Fro
ntier Group的年度报告向我们展示了缺失的链接不仅能促进进化,还能促进业务流程。这个新的前沿组织为他们的国际公司网络开发了完整的IT解决方案,并为每个人提供了一个数字进化。Moodley寻找类比,在史前时代发现了它们。这是一个挑衅性的对比,在新边境组织的年度报告中描述。这份报告是通过复杂的插图、有价值的信息图表和生动的画像来实现的。年度报告由一系列八张海报完成。编辑图形设计设计

The Missing l
ink, invented by Nature enhanced by us. That's the annual report publication by New Fro
ntier Group wher
e they designed to illustrate the extraordinary moments of the past evolution provided innovative solutions for the digital transformation. The report is fully illustrated by nature elements and has a beautiful typography that makes every page a great composition. Enjoy!Missing l
inks have, amazingly, triggered off some of the great inventions of our age. New Fro
ntier Group's annual report shows us how missing l
inks not o
nly enhance evolution but also business processes.The New Fro
ntier Group develops integral IT solutions for their internatio
nal company network and proclaims a digital evolution for everybody.Moodley searched for analogies and found them in prehistoric times.It’s a provocative co
ntrast that is depicted in New Fro
ntier Group’s annual report. The report is brought to life through sophisticated illustrations, valuable infographics and vivid portraits.The annual report is completed by a series of eight posters. editorial graphic design design