来自澳大利亚墨尔本的设计师弗雷德·纳比(Fred Nerby)提出了一种概念和系统的设计方法,鼓励用户行为,并在响应式网格中对数据进行更大的控制。看一看,让我们知道你的想法。整体概念是通过系统的设计方法鼓励行为和对用户数据的更大控制而创建的。Facebook是当今人们生活的一个自然组成部分,众所周知,平台的心理成功部分是由目标和个性化信息引起的。这个概念通过将更多的控制权交给用户想要的和不想看到的东西,在与UI交互时创建一个更大更人性化的环境。我从一个用户的角度接触这个平台,专注于目标&个性化的数据,同时保持一个视觉吸引力的UI。Facebook在这方面做了很长时间的工作,但我们还没有看到在这个平台上的全部可能。每天我们都受到广告和其他媒体的狂轰滥炸,他们拼命想用更传统的(叙事)策略来吸引我们的注意力。我相信专注于平台本身并增加个人的价值,对最终用户很有用。你对这个概念有什么想法?分享你对这个概念的看法,你认为这是可行的还是失败的?facebook概念设计用户体验

Fred Nerby a designer from Melbourn, Australia crated a co
nceptional and systematic design approach encouraging user behaviour and a greater co
ntrol of data within a respo
nsive grid. Take a look and let us know what you think.For more from Fred Nerby visit http://nerby.com/ & behance.net/nerby.The Co
nceptA co
nceptional and systematic design approach encouraging user behaviour and a greater co
ntrol of data within a respo
nsive grid.The overall co
ncept was created with a systematic design approach encouraging behaviour and a greater co
ntrol of user data. Facebook is a natural part of peoples lives today and it's well known that a part of the platform's psychological success is caused by targeted and perso
nalised information. This co
ncept draws upon that theory by giving more co
ntrol back to the user of what they want and don't want to see, creating a greater and more perso
nal enviro
nment when interacting with the UI. I approached the platform from a user perspective and focused on targeted & perso
nalised data while maintaining a visually appealing UI. Facebook has done a good job with this for a long time but we're still not seeing the full extent of what's possible within this platform. I believe the future of digital production, design & development in general lies within perso
nalised or targeted information. Every day we're bombarded with advertising and other media who's desperately trying to get our attention with more traditio
nal (narrative) campaign strategies. I believe in focusing on the platform itself and adding value that's perso
nal and actually useful for the end user.What are your thoughts on this concept?Share your opinion a
bout this concept, do you think this would work or be a failure? facebook co
ncept design ux