本周的书是关于如何教授,或者更确切地说,人们是如何学习的。这本书的标题是关于人们如何学习的,作者是Julie Dirksen。今天,产品、技术和工作场所的变化如此之快,以至于每个人都在不断地学习。我们很多人也在教书,即使不是在我们的工作描述中。无论是做演讲,写文档,还是创建一个网站或博客,我们都需要并且想要和其他人分享我们的知识。但是,如果你在枯燥的教科书上睡着了,或者通过冗长乏味的电子学习练习,你就会知道,创造一个好的学习体验比看上去要难得多。在设计中,你将会发现如何使用学习、记忆和注意力的关键原则来创造材料,使你的听众能够获得并保留你所分享的知识和技能。使用可访问的视觉隐喻和具体的方法和例子,设计人们如何学习将教会你如何利用教学设计的基本概念来提高你自己的学习和吸引你的听众。现在买书建议书设计学习。

The book suggestion of this week is a
bout how to teach, or more exactly, how people learn. The title of the book is Design For How People Learn and the author is Julie Dirksen.Products, technologies, and workplaces change so quickly today that everyone is co
ntinually learning. Many of us are also teaching, even when it's not in our job des
criptions. Whether it's giving a presentation, writing docu
mentation, or creating a website or blog, we need and want to share our knowledge with other people. But if you've ever fallen asleep over a boring textbook, or fast-forwarded through a tedious e-learning exercise, you know that creating a great learning experience is harder than it seems. In Design For How People Learn, you'll discover how to use the key principles behind learning, memory, and attention to create materials that enable your audience to both gain and retain the knowledge and skills you're sharing. Using accessible visual me
taphors and co
ncrete methods and examples, Design For How People Learn will teach you how to leverage the fundamental co
ncepts of instructio
nal design both to improve your own learning and to engage your audience.Buy now book suggestion book design learning