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2018-06-11 1388 0
我们已经发布了很多关于UI/UX,架构,照片和品牌的信息。我知道你们中的一些人认为我们忘记了Photoshop或者3D,但是我们没有忘记。为了证明这一点,我想和大家分享一个由Yan Blanco创作的名为“无家可归者”的项目。我无法用语言来描述3D渲染的惊人之处,这是来自Yan的文字:这个项目是对所有被遗忘和忽视的人的致敬。对那些有难以置信的故事的人来说。在白天,白天,晚上,在炎热的天气里,在寒冷的天气里,把街道变成自己的家。他们总是在那里。现实主义的程度,尤其是表情和眼睛是令人震惊的。最妙的是,阎连科分享了一组幕后过程的截图。他使用了Maya, Pixologic, Zbrush, Blender 3D和循环渲染。你可以从参考资料中看到,直到建模,纹理,灯光和最终的三维渲染。

We have been posting a lot about UI/UX, architecture, photography and branding. I know some of you think we forgot about Photoshop or 3D but we have not forgotten. To prove that to you I want to share this incredible project created by Yan Blanco titled Homeless. I have no words to describe how amazing the 3D rendering is, so here is from Yan's words: the project is tribute to all those who are forgotten and ignored. To those who have incredible stories never told. To those who make the streets their home, during the day, at night, in the heat, in the cold. They are always there.The level of realism, especially the expression and the eyes are just astounding. The best thing is that Yan shared a bunch of screenshots of the process behind. He used Maya, Pixologic, Zbrush, Blender 3D and Cycles Render. Below you can see from the references till the modeling, texturing, lighting and final 3D rendering.3D RenderingProcessYan Blanc is an illustrator and 3D artist from Brazil. For more information make sure to check out his amazing work at http://www.artstation.com/artist/yanblanco 3d digital art