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2018-06-11 1268 0
所有的庆祝活动都是在他九周年的庆典上,每年都要举行传统的Ugmonk周年纪念活动,每年都有惊喜,你将会在那里得到一个标志性的t恤,徽章,当然还有漂亮的包装。想知道从他一开始,他就收藏了整个Ugmonk的周年纪念集。祝贺杰夫的九周年纪念日!Ugmonk是Jeff Sheldon,一个位于美国宾夕法尼亚州的Downington的设计师。我们热爱杰夫在ABDZ的工作,看到他不断发展的新产品和项目,每一次都是非常鼓舞人心的。

Somebody else is celebrating today and it's our good friend Jeff Sheldon from Ugmonk. All in festivities of his ninth anniversary, with the yearly traditional Ugmonk's anniversary set. Every year, it's always a surprising joy to uncover this limited edition set where you will be welcomed with a signature tee, emblem and of course beautiful packaging. Wonder who has the entire collection of Ugmonk's anniversary sets since his beginning. Congratulations to Jeff for Ugmonk's ninth anniversary!Ugmonk is Jeff Sheldon, a designer based in Downington, PA, USA. We do love Jeff's work on ABDZ, seeing his on-going progression with new products and projects are thoroughly inspiring every time.More linksGet your own Ugmonk's Limited Ninth Anniversary SetCheck out also Ugmonk's storeNinth Anniversary Gallery  ugmonk design celebration