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2018-06-29 2002 10
Amanda Parer在她的大型充气艺术作品中探讨了人类与自然界的关系。这位来自塔斯马尼亚的艺术家与纽约的联合制片人克里斯·瓦格罗(Chris Wangro)合作。Parer Studio实现了她的半透明兔子的传奇版本,这是一系列名为“入侵者”的作品。白色的织物在白天显得不透明,因为它反射阳光。在天黑之后,这些生物呈现出不同的维度:它们从内部被照亮,并将周围的人类缩小成微小的轮廓。Parer在澳大利亚长大,在澳大利亚兔子是一种非本地物种,被认为是一种严重的害虫而不是一种家庭宠物;自18世纪晚期移民引入以来,他们的人口过剩造成了严重的生态破坏。Parer描述了进一步的文化矛盾:它们代表了我们童年时代的童话动物——毛茸茸的天真,在田园诗般的田野里嬉戏。它们是巨大的,和“房间里的大象”一样大,问题是,像我们对环境的影响一样大,但是很容易被忽视。Parer创作了各种大小的《入侵者》,从小到XXL,它已经在世界各地的博物馆展出,也被安装在几个音乐节上。她鼓励观众参与到作品中来,把她最小的兔子描述成非常可爱的小兔子。

Amanda Parer examines the relationship between humans and the natural world in her massive inflatable artworks. The Tasmania-based artist works with a team including New York based co-producer Chris Wangro. Together, Parer Studio realizes her larger-than-life versions of translucent rabbits, a series of works called Intrude.The white fabric appears opaque during the day as it reflects sunlight. After dark, the creatures take on a different dimension: they are illuminated from within and reduce surrounding humans into diminutive silhouettes. Parer grew up in Australia, where rabbits are a non-native species and are considered a serious pest as opposed to a domestic pet; since being introduced by settlers in the late 18th century, their overpopulation has caused substantial ecological destruction. Parer describes the further cultural contradictions:They represent the fairytale animals from our childhood – a furry innocence, frolicking through idyllic fields. Intrude deliberately evokes this cutesy image, and a strong visual humour, to lure you into the artwork only to reveal the more serious environmental messages in the work. They are huge, the size referencing “the elephant in the room”, the problem, like our environmental impact, big but easily ignored.Intrude, which Parer has created in a variety of sizes ranging from Small to XXL, has been exhibited at museums around the world, as well as installed at several music festivals. She encourages viewers to engage with the works, describing her smallest rabbits as “very huggable.You can see part of the installation process in the video below, and find more of the artist’s work on her website and Facebook.