斯蒂芬妮·基加斯特(Stephanie Kilgast)把一些废弃的东西,如锡罐、果酱罐和旧相机,用充满活力的珊瑚状生长物混合在一起。这位艺术家通过制作超写实的微型食品来磨练她的细节导向技能,她继续使用聚合物粘土和手工工具来制作她的艺术作品。蘑菇、水晶、甲虫和抽象形态从日常用品中萌发,这些物品从旧货店和垃圾箱中挖掘而来。在她的网站上的一份艺术家声明中,她将自己的作品描述为《生命颂歌》,在那里植物和真菌与昆虫、动物和矿物质相遇。

Stephanie Kilgast takes discarded objects like tin cans, jam jars, and old cameras and embellishes them with vibrant amalgamations of coral-like growths. The artist ho
ned her detail-oriented skills by making hyperrealistic miniature food, and she co
ntinues to use polymer clay and hand tools to craft her artworks. Mushrooms, crystals, beetles, and abstract forms sprout from the everyday objects that Kilgast sources from thrift stores and trash cans.In an artist statement on her website, she describes her work as “an ode to life, wher
e plants and fungi meet insects, animals and minerals. These encounters are growing in a colorful swirl of diversity, and the erratic growth develops on found objects, in a dialogue between humanity and nature.”Kilgast, who is ba
sed in France, often docu
ments her creative process in videos on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. In addition to sharing her work with her large o
nline audience, the artist exhibits widely, and was most recently a part of the themed group show “Mo
nochromeat Art Number 23 in London.